Sunday, June 20, 2010

What's on Toothy's Mind Today, by Toothy

Right now, I am just about to go to bed. I don't like going to bed, DARN IT! My friends Toothy 2, Legend and Blueberry are with me. We all share a pocket in the hanging tree. When we go to bed we kinda curl up in a pile together. We don't need to worry about other animals bothering us because we have a sign on the door that says, "TOP SECRET-KEEP OUT!"

Sometimes we have a problem when Blueberry or one of the others have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Then he has to climb over the rest of us and wake us up- and then we get into a fight. Then Maeve tells us to quiet down.

This Zona person came at one point-oh yes, it was I think yesterday-and she spent the night with Maeve in the hostel-whatever that means. What's that? TIME FOR BED!?????? No, I WONT do it. I WONT go to bed! Doh, darn it! I have to go now,

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Russian Mammoth

Last Summer we planted Russian Mammoth Sunflowers. They are huge and grow about 10 or 15 feet up! This is me next to one. You can see the size comparison because I am holding up a tape measure which doesn't even come close to the top of the sunflower.

Toothy says in his gruff voice, "I think these are cool. They are good for hiding in. Well when I say "in" I mean on the stalk and on the leaves. And they are great for climbing."

All that was last year, and this year they reseeded. Just wanted to tell you about this HUUUUUUUUGE sunflower.