Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Stuffed Animal Election!

Hi everybody! This is Franken!


Sorry for yelling.

You, yes, you can have a vote too! Look for the polls on the right side of the blog posts, but hurry! There are only 11 days left to vote!

Bye for now,

how to get your"ask an evil genius" queston posted.

hello, people! it's maeve!

You may have been wondering how to ask a question for the stuffed animals to answer.
here's the answer: post your question as a comment on the "ask an evil  genius" post and the stuffed animals will answer your question in a new post!
just wanted to make that clear! bye!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hi it's me toothy!
I have my very own website now!
It's called "ClubT.Rex.com"
You just have to try it out!
It is a virtual game where you have your own avatar and your own club house and you go out into this virtual world and try to collect artifacts and fossils. 
You can even adopt your own pet to come with you on your journeys!
You can play mini games to earn trophies witch you can view in your club house!
Of course this site will only be accessible to stuffed T.rexes.
See you later,

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ask An Evil Genius: "Staying Dry On Your Bike"

Today Homeschooled Stuffed Animals answer the following question received from a Florida fan.

Q: Do you have any suggestions for how I can stay dry riding my bike in South Florida rainstorms? Sometimes the rain is so thick it's like you're riding on the bottom of an aquarium, or you're standing right under the waterfall at the very bottom.


Blueberry's answer: Um.... well..... um..... Oh! I know! you could
sort of make a robot that holds an umbrella over your bike and follows you around while you ride... I guess.

Toothy's answer: Attach an umbrella to your handle bars so that it will cover you when you're riding.

Franken's answer: Wear ten rain coats one on top of the other.

Legend's answer: Get a dragon (like me) to breathe some fire on you at a distance.

Thank you to LFDow who asked the question.
See you next time!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Ask An Evil Genius

Ever heard of Dear Abby? This is Ask an Evil Genius. Post a question to all the evil genius stuffed animals and you will receive multiple responses. For example:
Q: How would you make a quick and easy, extremely bad tasting grape that can be put in a bowl of normal grapes?

  1. Franken's reply: Cut the grape halfway open so it is like a hinge, put pepper in it, and close the hinge.
  2. Toothy's reply: Dip it in Tabasco Sauce.
  3. Blueberry's reply: I don't know. Am I really supposed to be an Evil Genius?
Try it now!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Stuffed Animals Approve of Monty Python

The homeschooled stuffed animals love Monty Python and recommend it to anybody.
Toothy (T. Rex) says, "Even though there is not much about T. rex, it is funny and their ideas of humor match mine."

Blueberry (a blue bear) says, "Sometimes I don't get exactly what they are talking about, but most of them I think are hilarious."
Franken (a patchwork bear) says, "I think there should be more about traveling around the world!"
Legend (a dragon) recommends Story Time with Eric Idle.

Midnight (a black bear) says, "Watch out, it's kind of inappropriate."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Expedition to The New World

Hi, it's me, Toothy. I have something really exciting to tell you. Ready? Here it is...My friends and I discovered the NEW WORLD!
We started off in Spain and we started sailing due west. But then I giant storm blew us off course and we almost got sucked in to a giant whirlpool. We kept a steady course, the winds were hard and we were low on water. When we were almost there we saw a glint of something down in the water. Gems! Franken jumped down to get them and the currents kept washing them back and forth. He managed to get the jewels-a couple of gold pieces, a ruby and a diamond-as big as my fist.
We kept sailing and almost crashed into a big cliff but we turned just at the last moment possible. And then what we saw was amazing-the Silver Fish of Good Luck and Prosperity. Immediately we saw a bunch more jewels. Oh, and Blueberry actually touched the fish.
As we rounded a bend in the cliffs, we saw a My Little Pony Sea Monster. It was a horrible pink, hideous pony with short stubby legs and big hideous eyes. It had a pink and blue tail and mane with a picture of cotton candy tattooed on its' butt.
Franken was sleeping and at that moment he fell overboard when Legend the Dragon accidentally bumped him. The sea monster almost grabbed him but Blueberry got to him first and hoisted him aboard.
We pushed onward for another week with nothing but fish to eat.
Finally, when we were about to give up hope, Legend cried, "LAND HO!"
We landed our ship on the edge of the New World and traded with the natives: a travel alarm clock, and a duck, for nuts and a hunting bird.
On our journey home back to Spain, nothing out of the ordinary happened. All in all, I think it was a great adventure and ...what was that? Meat's ready. Gotta go.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Breakfast Drive-Through

Hi, it's me Toothy. I want to tell you about this cool stuffed animal breakfast drive-in. We all got on our little cars and we drove to the kitchen between a couple of book pillars. At a low box counter we ordered our food. Here is what we ordered: sausage, vegan, gluten-free pancakes, purified dragon tears of joy, the Special of The Day: Blueberry Chocolate Chip Delights. It was really fun and Maeve's mom cooked the food. I ordered a bunch of sausage and a cup full of dragon tears of joy.

Cookie’s Tricks

This is a video of my remote control dog, Cookie. She is very sweet and can do lots of tricks. You will see “come,” “go for a walk,” and “get the camera” in this video.

Cookie Writes

HI EVERYBODY!!!!!! OHBOY! This is the first time that I have written on this blog! I love it here! Maeve plays with me a lot and the other animals like me! She came to the store especially to buy me. There were lots of other dogs like me but she chose me! What’s that? OHBOY DOG FOOD!!!!!!! GOTTA GO BYE!!!